works by The Tu Wai Indigenous Resource Centre, Aotearoa

Essay by Te Tui Hoterene

Ka whawhai tonu matou, ake ake, ake
We will continue to fight forever

Today we will struggle to preserve what remains and to recover what was taken from us. Our memories compel us to act. Our actions move to preserve the wealth of animal and plant life, to rehabilitate our techniques of guardianship of Aotearoa, and to sustain and enhance communities. The vision is to return and survive by the land. Free ourselves from everything that oppresses us.
We want our dignity. We demand our dignity. Our ancestors died fighting for the rights of the people. So we must take a stand. They won't give it to you. You have to fight for it. There's so much pressure on us to assimilate. It's about taking and learning from your traditions, carefully reflecting on them, as you make your decisions for now, for your life way. We must reawaken the people in revolutionary unison.
We are the Landlords, Guardians, Defenders and Resisters. Think very deeply about what you can do to make a difference.

Detail - Noku Te Whenua 2003

for information about works, please contact the Tu Wai IRC: