works by The Tu Wai Indigenous Resource Centre, Aotearoa

Essay by Te Tui Hoterene

Toituu te whenua, ngaro atu te Tangata
People die, the land remains

We are descendents of the mountains and rivers of Aotearoa. Here natural life knows us. We are embedded in the land. Our tears, our breath, our bones, our blood is throughout the environments of healing, existence, sustenance and has been since the beginning of time. As Tangata Whenua (people of the land) our survival is dependent upon our balance with the natural world and the health of that natural world. The material and cultural wealth of Tangata Whenua is dependent upon the wealth of animal and plant life. We are healed by the plants, nourished by the forest food, given guidance by the animal life. These relationships are incorporated with our stories of creation, gods and goddesses, way of life, our world view. Yet our relationship with our natural world continues to be disrupted. Nature has been enslaved in Aotearoa. Thought of as an obstacle to be overcome, dominated, and exploited much like the Tangata Whenua who live within it.

Detail - Noku Te Whenua 2003

for information about works, please contact the Tu Wai IRC: